Several layers on this map were created by aggregating climate model output not by year, but by warming level. To learn more about this approach, please see our methodology website.
Extreme drought
Probability of extreme drought. The likelihood of an event with a 10% or less chance of occurrence in the base period of 1°C of climate warming (2000-2020). Hyper-arid regions are masked as drought cannot occur under permanently dry conditions. Drought is defined as a temporary negative anomaly in local water balance conditions.
This data layer was created using input data from the NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 dataset.
Warming level
Probability of extreme drought
This site's interface and functionality rely heavily on code developed by CarbonPlan. Specifically, we used the maps, components, and layouts libraries. You can read more about CarbonPlan's research and software development work here.
How to use this site
You will find an Info icon next to each variable's name. There, you will find additional information about what the variable is showing, how the data layer was created, and links to any additional information if there is any. Clicking on the Info icon reveals hidden dropdown text. You can try this with the icon to the right.
This is hidden dropdown text.
Clicking the Sun icon will change the website theme between light and dark modes.
The Globe icon cycles through adding latitude/longitude degrees to the map, adding a grid that corresponds to those numbers, and finally removing both the coordinates and grid. Try it below.
Click me →
The Reset icon resets the map extent to the original zoom and center. Test this on the map by panning and zooming, then clicking on the icon.